Sex and Sex Reversal of Bivalves
Jung Sick Lee
Department of Aqualife Medicine, Chonnam National University, Yeosu 59626, Korea

The sex of bivalves is classified into gonochorism and hermaphroditism, and hermaphroditism is further divided into simultaneous (synchronous or functional), and sequential (asynchronous). The sequential hermaphroditism signifies sex reversal in accordance with seasons. In general, in the case of gonochoristic bivalves, manifestation of sex as female and male, after having identified the morphological sex, is limited to a period of the life cycle in any given individual. In order to accurately identify sex, continuous monitoring of changes in the sex during life cycle is necessary by tagging the sex. In the bivalves, sex reversal and sequential hermaphroditism has been reported in the Ostreidae, Pectinidae, Veneridae and Arcidae etc.. Most of these studies have reached this conclusion based on evidence derived from sex ratio change in accordance with the age within same populations. Sex change in the sequential hermaphroditic bivalves normally occurs when the gonad is undifferentiated between spawning seasons. Two factors are involved in sex determination and sex change in bivalves, namely genetic and environmental. However, more detailed research is needed on the effect of the genetic and environmental factors involved in sex determination and sex change of bivalves.

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