The Influence of Water Temperature and Salinity on Filtration Rates of the Hard Clam, Meretrix petechialis
Kyeong Hun Lim, Kyu Sang Jang, In Sou Kim, Jeong Ho Lee and Hyun Chool Shin |
Rural Research Institute, Korea Rural Community and Agriculture Corporation, Ansan, 426-908, Korea |
This study was performed to describe the influence of water temperature and salinity on the filtration rate of thehard clam, Meretrix petechialis. The filtration rates of hard clams showed significant differences depending on bothwater temperature and age group (two-way ANOVA, p < 0.001). The filtration rate of all the hard clams, aged from1 to 4 years, was generally reduced in low temperature range (5-15¡É). As the water temperature increased, thefiltration rate increased exponentially. The filtration rate was relatively high in 20-30¡É water temperature range, butrapidly decreased again at around 35¡É. Variations in the data for filtration rates of hard clams, relative to age andchanging water temperature, were used to determine the temperature coefficient Q10 in each water temperaturerange. In 5-15¡É temperature range, every age group showed the highest Q10 figure. It was found that on thewhole, the higher the water temperature was, the lower the number of Q10 was. Regardless of age, the number ofQ10 was higher in the lower water temperature range. In 25-35¡É temperature range, the number of Q10 was lessthan 1.00 in all age groups, implying that this is the range in which the filtration rate decreased. Variations in thefiltration rate also showed very clear differences (two-way ANOVA, p < 0.001) according to changing salinity andage. All the age groups, from 1 to 4 year olds, showed low filtration rates at both low salinity (10-15 psu) and highsalinity (40 psu). The highest filtration rate was recorded at 30 psu, and relatively high filtration rates were foundaround 30 psu. However, the Student-Newman-Keuls post hoc multiple comparison test found that the hard clamsin the 1-year group showed high filtration rates in a relatively narrower salinity range compared to those in the 2, 3,and 4 year groups. In other words, hard clams in the 2, 3, and 4 year groups showed high filtration rates at higherlevels of salinity.
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