Tributyltin Chloride (TBTCl) Toxicity on the Growth and Mantle Structure of the Equilateral Venus, Gomphina veneriformis (Bivalvia: Veneridae)
Jung Jun Park and Jung Sick Lee
Department of Aqualife Medicine, College of Fisheries and Ocean Science, Chonnam National University, Yeosu 550-749, Korea
Changes of growth and histopathological feature in the mantle structure of the equilateral venus, Gomphinaveneriformis exposed to tribultyltin chloride (TBTCl) for 36 weeks were observed. Concentrations of TBTCl were 0,0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 ¥ìg/L. A regression analysis by power function of SPSS was shown that the growth ofexperimental groups was significantly decreased after 12 weeks of exposure. For histological analysis, mantletissues were characterized using H-E stain, AB-PAS (pH 2.5) reaction and Masson's trichrome stain, andepidermal layer thickness and mucous cell distribution were analysed using the image analyser. The mantle had4-folds (inner-inner, inner-outer, middle, and outer) and its epidermal layer consisted of simple epithlia. Aperiostracum was observed in the periostracal groove between middle and outer fold. Inner epidermal layerconsisted of simple ciliated columnar epithelia, but the outer epidermal layer consisted of simple non-ciliatedcolumnar epithelia. Alcian blue positive mucous cells showed blue color (7462c, 653c) in the inner fold, violet color(2583c) in the middle fold, and blue color (647c, 7455c) in inner epidermal layer (numbers in the parenthesis arecodes of Pantone process coated color). Hemolymph sinus in the mantle was extended, and mucous cells in innerplica of the middle fold were stained as blue (7455c) and violet (2587c), after 12 weeks of TBTCI exposure. Ciliaand striated border were disappeared, and number of mucous cells in the inner epidermal layer was reduced.Serious histopathological changes in middle and outer fold near the periostracum were observed after 36 weeks.Moreover, epidermal layer thickness and mucous cell distribution were showed decreasing tendency as exposuretime to TBTCI was increased. Results of this study suggested that TBTCl induced growth disorder withhistopathological changes.
v243p8.pdf (3.3M), Down : 99, 2009-04-20 22:37:41


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